
The Flow Coach program is a 1:1 transformational experience that it is catered directly for you and your unique situation. Healing is not cookie cutter, and neither is this. Together we will get to the root cause of what has been holding you back, work in your subconscious mind to rewrite your story and create a powerful future as the person you always wanted to be.
Booking Packages:
Two or Four - 45 minute coaching sessions per month including emails and texts

My intention in this container...
is for you to come to know yourself on a deep level, you will understand how you have created your life up until this point. You will identify and RELEASE the patterns that have been keeping you stuck. You will reconnect to your power, your purpose and feel a deeper love for yourself and life than you ever thought possible. You will be empowered to live life in a new way, a life that reflects the new connection and love you have for yourself. You will shift on the deepest layers of yourself and step into new thoughts, beliefs and identity to create the love you want in your life. You will be supported fully as you transform and rise above who you were to become the best verion of yourself: the you that you are meant to be.
After years of self study, multiple mentors, certifications and experimentation with many healing modalities, I have come to discover what actually works for healing and transformation. This program focuses in these areas:
Radical Self Honesty - we will look at you in an entirely new way. At the aspects that you have been ignoring. We bring it all to the light and get honest about where your life is currently at.
Inner Child Healing - because most of our identity is formed from age 0-7 years, we must look at the beliefs, values and stories you picked up then so they may be released. You reclaim your inner child now to stop repeating the patterns.
Subconscious change work - by working in the subconscious for release and reprogramming we are actually able to create change on a neurological level. We are able to change your past, present and future.
Embodiment of Feminine/Masculine Energy - this is coming back home to yourself. Getting back into your body, loving and accepting yourself deeply and reconnecting to the emotional and vulnerable parts of you that typically get hidden away after toxic relationships. Embodiment exercises are imperative, because healing must be done in the mind AND body. You will come to see yourself in a new way. You will show up in life as the fullest expression of yourself.
Spiritual connection and understanding - When you are able to understand fully that you are a spiritual being, deserving of unconditional love and acceptance, that your experiences are here to strengthen and grow you. You are able to forgive. You are able to love again. You are able to see yourself and the world in a whole new light.


Video Calls
We meet 2 or 4 times per month (depending on the package you select) for 45 minutes. These calls are specific to you and what you need to work on. Some calls will be heavy subconscious mind work, others will be talking things out so that you can come to your own conclusions (you are your own healer - I am just a facilitator).

Direct Access
You have direct messaging access to me throughout the week for FULL SUPPORT.

You will be given a copy of both of my books: The Domino Effect: Fear vs Faith and Intimacy: Into you and me I see and any workshops.

You will be given transformational journaling assignments, embodiment exercises and more to do on your own.